Thursday, December 10, 2009

A View to...

....well, sunrises and sunsets have always been amazing in Islamabad. I would rather say, anywhere and pretty much everywhere.

I got here a month ago and it has rained only twice - light showers.
I consider it not enough however, the skies have been incredible...stunning patterns and colors that I get to see from my room or the terrace. Miss it all the time.
It is funny that no matter where I’ve lived over the years, whenever there was a thunderstorm or heavy showers they brought back memories of Islamabad – I’m clueless- why is that? But why not: it is indeed a beautiful memory.
Hope that this extremely dry spell is over and pray that it will rains.
Such a long dry spell may lead to many problems such as air borne diseases, water shortage for our crops – is a big headache for farmers and even a bigger economic loss for the country in the longer run, low water levels in dams means no electricity as we are so dependant on hydro electric power- though we have other choices to bring relief to public by introducing solar power, wind power and Pakistan has plenty of both. Among many reasons from environmental changes to global warming - one thing is for sure that an extensive cutting down of trees for whatever reasons can be one of the many reasons for dust and shortage in rains. I have witnessed tress being cut all over the place. Needless to say that our deeds, good or bad, will repay us in kind.

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