Monday, January 17, 2011

Korea and Taekwondo

It all starts with : Mind, Spirit and Body.. Please click on the image to have a readable image :D If you want to know more about Taekwondo please visit the site below:

Taewondo is a national sport of Korea. Children start learning it from kindergarten and by grade 5, almost all of them have black belts which is a mandatory part of their curriculum, irrespective of gender.

It does not stop there but many universities have undergraduate/graduate programs. Among them Kyunghee University (KHU) stands out. It is considered the top universities in the world to impart specialized education on Taekwondo where you can persue a Doctorate in this sport the only university that offers the program. They have state of the art facilities and generous funding by the Korean government. KHU also offers short courses in different spheres of Taekwondo. For more inforamtion visit:

Kyunghee has many former and current World champions, Olympic and Asian Champions in their faculty and student body.

If you visit Korea, you can call their office and personally visit the facilities and see the demonstrations etc.

For more click on the video below:

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