Monday, January 31, 2011

Muslim Women in Sports

Well, the other day, I was looking for the contributions of Pakistani women in sports (a road less traveled by) and I stumbled upon this great blog by a student from Turkey: SertaƧ Sehlikoglu (a PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge, in Social Anthropology).
Her blog and post on Samaya Farooq, a post-doc researcher in sports and outreach is a great read.For more detail click the title of my post that will direct you to her blog!

A young girl practising Wushu (a Chinese martial arts) in a school in Hyderabad in India.


  1. Hi,

    thanks for commenting about a blog posted by Sertac... she is a sweetheart and an amazing academic in the making. If you're still to know more about Pakistani women's contributions to sport, let me know and perhaps we can chat.

    Sam Farooq

  2. Hi Sam Farooq,

    It is just so wonderful to see your comment here on the blog.I'm overwhelmed!

    I'm indeed "very interesed" to have a chat with you on Pakistani womens' contribution in sports and will get back to you through email.

    Thanks a lot!
