Sunday, January 16, 2011

My street and neighborhood in Bundang!

It is was one of the most beautiful places I have lived thus far!
All my neighbors were extremely helpful and were much concerned about me - on how I would coup with the harsh weather conditions here. Unlike other places, this residential area was built in the 1970s. In a Korean perspective, it is was a 'very, very' old housing facility. It had no state of the art heating facilities. Ondul (traditional floor heating technique) was one of the choices but for that, we had to contact an agency which would help fill up tankers at the backyard with Gasoline. This whole engineering extravaganza would lead to the heating of the floors. For heating up one room would cost about 300$ (US)if one uses it 24 hours a day/month.
The Ondul option here had nothing in common with the same Ondul options we have in newly constructed apartments/housings - which works great with the touch of a button. The heating bills though are overwhelming.However, it is one of the most scenic landscapes that I have lived thus far. My mother still misses those times we used to walk around and enjoy nature at its best.
Korea ranks third in the world for the most expensive cost of housing, where as New York City ranks 28 in the world and takes the top notch in the US.

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