Thursday, February 24, 2011

Two for Joy: Hardworking and Inspiring Birdies!

We all need a Birdie in our lives!

These two Magpies in the photograph are sort of symbolic - not just that we are neighbors; we shared some very magical moments together. I remember that I found one of them lying upside down, on a very cold, windy and snowy morning - right under the tree where the nest is. I picked the bird up and felt bad that it froze to death. I brought it to my room to give her a descent burial. In 15 minutes, what I saw was remarkable - it was moving! I put her near the heater and then tried to give some water. Magpie was very scared and was constantly looking at the window – as soon as I opened the window – it flew away and sat on a tree nearby. It was an amazing day – I can Not confirm that this is the same Magpie – but they live on the same tree.

These days they are working very hard to build their nest…which is pretty huge! They are very focused, hardworking and determined - they start bringing twigs at around 7 am and weave their nest in a very technical way - this continues the whole day and they stop at about 5:30 p.m. I wish I could work like this – I really wish I could…

Magpies are related to crow and ravens. They are very pretty…with this nice, shinny, electric blue patch of feathers and I guess that they are actually very brave. These magpies in Korea are Pica sericea magpies which are considered genetically very distinct from the other Eurasian (as well as the North American) forms. Magpies are among the few species who can self –recognize themselves in a mirror – cool – they are!

An interesting link:

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