Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tourism in Pakistan

Pakistan is a home to some of the most beautiful and scenic places on earth but unfortunately, our tourism industry is breathing its last. In a report presented at the World Economic Forum, Pakistan was ranked 113 in tourism out of the 133 countries. Needless to say, its the hub of mountaineering, the Karakorum range has some of the highest peaks of the world here such as the mighty K-2 (second highest peak after Everest), the Himalaya range also has its highest peak here commonly known as the Nanga Parbat (9th highest peak in the world), its famous as the killer mountain due to its extremely difficult tracks - even more difficult than Everest and K-2 and the third famous range is the Hindu Kush with its highest peak Trichmir - are all located in Pakistan . It has its fair share of the famous 'SILK ROAD', the legendary Karakorum Highway, valleys full of cherry blossoms, beautiful weather, distinct seasons and of course, its 'very hospitable people'.

These are some of the images of the cities in the northern belt of Pakistan during the winter season, which is very harsh.

A vegetables /fruits stall under open skies in Murree.

Scene from Kalam (SWAT) once the most famous tourist resort in Pakistan.

Children in Swat region (Pakistan). It snows heavyly and people do NOT have the basic amenities of life from proper clothing to anything.

This picture was of Chitral in February 2011. It is a very common scene in Gilgit-Baltistan region.

Where everything must begin at home so does the tourism. Focus must be on domestic tourism - it can be revived against all odds. I am confident that we can do well, actually much better! We have a great potential and a long standing tradition of tourism in Pakistan. Historically, people of the region have loved outdoors like going to the parks or resorts - which is evident from the times of the Mogul empire. All we need at this point is to take time out to 'relax' by turning off TVs, computers, cell phones and take a look around the cities we live in, delve in its history, architecture, local delicacies, music, museums and parks -simply put, revive local tourism!

More on the recent happening with respect to tourism in Pakistan, visit their page at

Some of the events are
- Rock Climbing Competition in Islamabad (5-8 March)
- Cholistan Jeap Rally for mid March
- Para -gliding in Lahore in mid March
- Aero Modeling Display at the Fatima Jinnah Park on April 21.
- Kalash Festival in coordination with Sarhad Tourism Corporation on 15 May in Kalah/Chitral.
- Ayubia-Doonga Gali Walk in Ayubia in the first week of June.
- Shandur Polo Festival in consultation with Sarhad Tourism Corporation from 7-9 July in Shandur.
- Silk Route Festival (15-18 August) Gilgit/Baltistan.

Last but not the least Pakistan is also holding the 'International Mountain Tourism Conference, Seminar, Photo Exhibition' on 11 December, 2011 in Islamabad. and Chitral Times


  1. There is work being done in Swat to promote tourism. One phase of that is the song titled: Rediscover Swat - Zindagi Hai Yahan at You won't regret checking it out.

  2. @MSN: Thanks for ur visit and leaving a comment. I agree with you that things have improved a lot in Swat. I recently visited Lok Virsa and I got to meet people with really beautiful stuff from Swat and they told me that things have come to normal and it is safe to go there.

    Hope that we Pakistanies boost our own tourism and realize its importance to economy and sustainable development - it is a 'self-help' strategy!

  3. Pakistan is a home to some of the most beautiful places on earth but unfortunately, our tourism industry for some time is breathing its last.SOme months ago a report had been presented at the World Economic Forum in this report Pakistan was ranked 113 in tourism industry out of the total of 133 countries.Although i would like to tell every one that Pakistan very safe country for tourists they should come Pakistan through cheap flights to pakistan and must plays a vital role for the improvement of Pakistan's tourists industry.
