Monday, March 7, 2011


It has been years since the introduction of Flickr as a creative common. It didn't come easy - 'Yahoo photos' used to be the option available in those good old days. Many people used yahoo photos to save and share their precious pictures. Later on, external hard drives started to gain popularity but still, it was not a cheap option.
Then one day, Yahoo started sending messages with deadlines to save the 'photos'- since they were going to replace it with Flickr. They also posted the disclaimer to any damage done during the process. It was sort of a responsible move, at least, they gave a few months, unlike 'hotmail' who just emptied the entire record of emails automatically from people's personal email accounts for which they were later sued by a  group of people in the US. On individual basis, I started my one woman's war against 'hotmail -messenger service'....this was the day when I decideded "NEVER" to use their services. Here I by my words. I also encourage friends to have an email account with other portals in case they have a hotmail account. Not just that, I feel that people with hotmail accounts are really the ones belonging to the old school but I also think that they are at a risk...risk of losing their emails! Having said that, I still believe that everyone is free to choose whatever portal they like to have their email accounts with.

Back to Flickr, well, it has been a continuous source for the people to share their personal collection of photography with the world at large but with Facebook - as a trendsetter for revolts to revolution and love to hate options, Flickr has indeed lost its lust!

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