Friday, March 4, 2011

International Women's Day (March 8th)

In 1911, the first International Women's Day was celebrated, when more than one million women and men demanded women's rights to work, hold office and vote. Next Tuesday, March 8, 2011 will mark 100 years since International Women's Day was first celebrated.

On this day, achievements of women are acknowledged in all spheres of life.
Events and themes are as wide and varied as women themselves and a lot has been organized to celebrate the day but there is nothing to stop you from celebrating in your own home. Every woman, no matter who she is, deserves to be honored today.
WE can contribute by:

1- Helping to change other women’s lives through organizations such as Amnesty International.
2- Commit to buying from fair-trade companies where mothers can work to feed and clothe their families in safety.
3- Telephone or write to your female relatives and friends, telling them how much they mean to you.
4- Organize a girls night in - pamper yourselves with some face masks made from kitchen ingredients, do some mehendi (henna).
5- Spend time with the greatest feminine spirit of all - Mother Nature. Go for a simple walk in the woods, listen to the bird sing or hug a tree.
6- Give women a little space of their own.
7- Show your respect, your love, your kindness.
What will you do to honor the women in your life or yourself today?

For events in Seoul Click the Post Title.

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