Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1st Movement

Today (March 1st) is celebrated as Korean Independence Day. It is also called the March 1st Movement, or Samil Undong (삼일 운동/三一運動) or the Manse Demonstrations (만세운동).

Accroding to some sources, this early resistance of the Korean people against the Japanese military occupation claimed 7,509 lives, 15,849 people were wounded, and 46,303 were arrested.

From March 1 to April 11, Japanese officials reported that 553 people were killed with over 12,000 arrested, while 8 policemen and military policemen were killed and 158 were wounded.

Many of those arrested were taken to the infamous Seodaemun Prison near Gwanghwamun in Seoul where they were imprisoned without trial, tortured and killed.

Korean Flag/ 태극기

Here is the Korean National Anthem (Aegukka - 애국가)..if you wanna sing along.....in the memory of all those unsung heroes of Korean independece.

동해 물과 백두산이 마르고 닳도록
하느님이 보우하사 우리나라 만세

Until that day when the waters of the East Sea run dry and Mt. Baekdusan is worn away,
God protect and preserve our nation.

무궁화 삼천리 화려강산
대한사람 대한으로 길이 보전하세

Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains, filled with Roses of Sharon;
Great Korean people, stay true to the Great Korean way!

남산 위에 저 소나무 철갑을 두른 듯
바람서리 불변함은 우리 기상일세

As the pine atop the near mountain stands firm,
unchanged through wind and frost, as if wrapped in armor, so shall our resilient spirit.

가을 하늘 공활한데 높고 구름 없이
밝은 달은 우리 가슴 일편단심일세
The Autumn sky is void and vast, high and cloudless;
the bright moon is our heart, undivided and true.

이 기상과 이 맘으로 충성을 다하여
괴로우나 즐거우나 나라 사랑하세
With this spirit and this mind, give all loyalty,
in suffering or in joy, to the love of country.

I wish all my Korean friends a Happy Independence Day!


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  3. Thank you Mr. Jaber for visiting my blog. I really appreciate that you took time to read through it.

    I also wish you the very best in your life.
