Friday, March 25, 2011

Late March Snowfall!

March this year was windy, bright and sunny. I was thinking that environmental changes have definitely kicked in because it always snows around this time of the year. Finally, it snowed for about 15 hours - starting early afternoon until early morning hours. As of now, the weather seems to be reversing and its like winters again.
March has a history of heavy, record breaking snowfalls in Korea.
In 2003, in the second week of March, we witnessed one of the heaviest snowfalls in 75 years of the history of Seoul. In 2010, it happened again - a record breaking snowfall was witnessed all over Korea.
Korea's four seasons are "very distinct" and breathtaking.
Anyhow, it seems that jackets, coats and layers and layers of clothing are here to stay for a month or so. ;-(

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