Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekend: Streets of Itaewon

Turkish Kebab Restaurants like the one above are 5 in all in Itaewon area

Foreign Food Restaurant - filled to capacity - it's economical not that it's a perfect place to dine.

Crossing sides! (Hamilton Hotel in the background- a navigational point in Itaewon)

More people - Itaewon is always bustling with the people from nearby US Base.

Turkish Ice cream-this guy said that the jacket he is wearing is Turkish - it seems that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Turkey have a lot in common w.r.t. patterns/motifs/design.

Owner of Mr. Kebab being Interviewed...

The sole crusader: he is always on the streets of Itaewon

Father and daughter: getting into the bus!

Bonding: Dad and the little girl


                Itaewon at Night - a new spot for Koreans to hangout and have fun

                A Cop Outside the Itaewon Police Station on exit #3 of the Itaewon Station

                        TartTine at Itaewon - cafe and specializing in pies/cakes


                               Crossing in front of Itaewon Hotel - road on the  left
                          going down to Bokwang-dong (보광동) and Itaewon Antique Market

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