Friday, April 29, 2011

Korea: Food

Salad with roasted sesame!

Nan Mix: Korean style ( I failed somehow with the nan project but the curry mix was great!).  A Korean food blogger has done a great job here with this mix. I have to say that this mix is NOT enough for one person. I need about 2 of these packs to be full and satisfied and ready for siesta.

Moong Dal (Moong - Lentil Soup)
Dal (Lentils(this is moong) with a tarka of onions, dry (whole) red pepper and cumin seeds.
5 Minutes Stir Fry
Stir fry topped with lemon, oregano and seasoning mix.

Pakkoray ( potatoes and spinach fritters; Cooking time: 15 minutes)

Pasta and sauce made with home grown /organic tomatoes given by a farmer in the neighborhood. My farmer friends in Seoul have provided me with the best produce of the country, the year round and I'm thankful to them.

Iced Apricot drink (Maeshil cha)!

Cooking comes handy and takes me 10 to 30 minutes to come up with any of the dishes pictured above or almost anything except for dal (lentils) - which, if we start from scratch, here it means- soaking, boiling and the whole process- it is a half day labor ( without pressure cooker use)! This dilemma led to rely on red/white canned beans and chickpeas - easily available in the stores in Korea!

Whoever misses home-made meal, pick up a knife, chop and fry...this is al it takes and is a good change too, once in a while.


  1. Did someone just say food ? I'm hungry !

  2. @ Muhammad: This post is due to the same reason you just mentioned :-)
    On top, had nothing to eat in the middle of the night

  3. Hello
    Saw your eid mubarak post and wanted to wish you a Happy eid but i simply don't know how to comment ok most of your posts ^_^"
    Anyways Eid Mubarak !
