Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The 4th Together Day this year will be held on May 20th (Friday), from 16:00 - 21:00 hours, in front of Seoul Plaza. This event is sponsored by the Ministry of Justice. This day has been celebrated for the past 3 years since Korea's foreign population hit a million mark in 2007. Major foreign community include migrant workers: both skilled( professors, engineers, language instructors, researchers etc.) and unskilled migrant workers(those involved in manufacturing, construction, agriculture, service sector, livestock and fisheries. Besides this group the second biggest community is that of marriage migrants (particularly the women from several Asian countries who are married to the Koreans and their offsprings) and then comes the foreign students.

This day is celebrated especially to bridge gaps between the local population and the foreign community in South Korea.

The special events include:
1) International Fashion show
2) International food stalls and booths for information on the respective countries
3) The folk games
4) Writing Contest on Life Experience for foreigners in Korea
5) Thesis Contest on Korea’s Immigration Policy

For more information on this event please click the link below:

picture credits

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