Monday, June 6, 2011

Korean Cuisine that is all Halal..

Salad with sesame dressing, Mul-kimchi, Ttoek with red bean paste filling and Surasang- royal court cuisine - witj wraps in which one put in the shredded fried/raw vegetables and a sweet and sour sauce that goes with it.

I chose Yae-ul as a representative Korean restaurant ( our key word was Halal) for some foreign guests visiting Korea for the first time in their life. They already told me that they did NOT like the Korean food which they tried in Gangnam. 

Walnut pie
 I told them not to worry. I knew that the menu I selected is not just beautifully presented but will taste great too aside from being halal. This particular restaurant is located near Chongye-san  in Bundang. It is also very famous among celebrities.  I informed the owner that all the guests will be Muslims so please do NOT served any beef, chicken etc. except for sea food. They chose 4 different varieties of Korean fish, jambo prawns, shrimps, crab and a lot of salads and vegetables.

Whipped cream with coffee bean

I am really thankful to the Sajangnims (restaurant owners) to cater to our special needs and for changing their standard menu. Everbody loved Korean food and especially those who were very critical of it before heading for dinner.

Crab pie; it was so great!
Korea has a huge array of choices but the problem arises because people are stuck with their life long taste and then they also expect that the food in Korea must be similar to Chinese and that is a very wrong assumption. I think that Korean cuisine offers a lot of choices for vegetarians, for Muslims or for anyone with special needs but then one has to ask their countrymen/women - who have been living in Korea for a while for a reference. I think that students in Korea are a good source of it.

Grilled pumpkin with some sweet and sour sauce.
Jumbo Prawns with cheese and fresh basil.
A dessert made with black sesame seeds, it was lovely!
Sashimi- Korean style and everybody ate this despite the fact that they told me they will not eat it.


  1. As-Salamu Alaykum Sarah,

    This post is very interesting^^. I found this topic in your blog also. "What to eat during Ramadan in South Korea" . I hope to have Korean food with Halal in Korea.

  2. Walaikum Salam Osama,

    Thank you so much for your kind words and finding the posts interesting. I'm planning of tackling questions related to Muslims in Korea in detail. If you want me to address any particular issue just leave a comment and I'll do a post so that it is of help to others as well.^^

  3. Thank you so much for your kindness. I hope to try all menus above ^_____^ .

    I would like to know that is there any Korean Halal Restaurant with traditional food.

  4. You are welcome, Osama!

    I haven't heard of one, yet. At least not in Seoul. I'm sure.

  5. Hi, I love this post. Can you please share where is the exact location of this restaurant. Or mayb share how to go there from Myeong-dong. thanks =)

  6. Dear Narcolepsy, Thank you for the kind words.
    The photos above are from a restaurant in Bundang that has now closed now.

    However, have you tried "seafood occean" located in Gwanghwamun?

    Please visit their website:
