Sunday, June 12, 2011

TAKOYAKI ( たこ焼き): A Japanese Snack!

Takoyaki-(たこ焼き)-타코야끼- is one of my favorite snacks from Japan which is very popular in Korea. It is a fresh baked squid or octopus muffins (in shape of a ball - eatable ping pong balls) topped with a very tasty sauce. I think it is the most renowned among the Japanese snacks outside Japan. They are crispy from the outside and are hot and soft from inside.

The invention of Takoyaki was inspired by Akashiyaki - a street vendor named Tomekichi Endo in Osaka, 1935. It was first enjoyed as a popular dish in Kantai and then was introduced to Kanto and other areas.

Takoyaki can be purchased in many street food stalls and in takoyaki specialty restaurants and eateries especially in Jongno and Myeongdong area and usually near the schools. We had a permanent Takoyaki Truck outside Bokwang Dong , on the road heading to German Embassy near Capital Hotel in Itaewon.

One can learn to make this from a very interesting youtube video at the end of the post!

Last night, I saw this guy near Pangyo, it is quite rare!

I requested him to come here every day but I think that's not possible since shop owners running snack shops won't like his presence that would attract clients.

For more information on this particular franchise "WANGTAKO" one can visit their website and can buy the ingredients or tools used, right here in Korea. It is a very elaborate site but the only problem is that it is in Korean only. ;-(

Through their website, I found out that it takes only a 1000$ (USD) to set up this business and the most expensive of all is the tray in which we prepare Takoyaki - which is 300$ (USD). I guess I must ask Takashi- a long time friend from Kyoto to get me a small, easy to use tray-for personal use!

I am already full with ideas of even making "hodeok - kwaja" or Korean freshly baked walnut cookies in this this... ;-)

If you are looking for halal snacks on the streets of Seol, then this particular snack is 100% halal. Try it, I'm sure that you will love it.

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