Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Paper in Migration Studies

I just got news that my paper is accepted and will be published in this years "Korea Yearbook 2011" by Brill.NL. This is a great news and I am overwhelmed by the undeserved grace of God!!

When I sent my paper, the only thing I wanted was a 'feedback' from editors and wasn't expecting to be among the finalists. I'm often in awe how God has blessed me - can't thank HIM enough!

I am involved with this subject since I got here in Seoul back in 2002.
Korea is a monoethnic country and multicultural/multiethnic phenomenon is relatively new here. Nevertheless, the fabric of society is quickly changing. A lot of marriages taking place in Korea are biracial. Moreover, 90% of its 1.2 million foreign population are migrant workers, followed by the marriage migrants, English language instructors, and the rest. The main nations from where these people have come from are China, USA, Taiwan and Thailand (April 2011 Statistics issued by the Ministry of Justice, South Korea).

Total number of Pakistanies as of April 2011 is 10,711 people, out of which 3,068 (28.6%)are living illegally. Most of them come here under the Employment Permit System to do the 3D (dirty, difficult and dangerous)jobs. Minimum wages are about $1500(USD) and by doing an extra time work they make easily up to $2000(USD)per month, nevertheless, life for them is tough. Some workers call these jobs 4D: adding "deadly" to the group of 3D.

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