Friday, June 10, 2011

World's Tallest Men from Pakistan

I stumbled upon this very interesting website - who call themselves a giant website for the tallest men. Back in 1980's, Alam Channa was a very popular figure in Pakistan. When he got a last minute government support for medical treatment in the US, it was too late and on July 3rd. 1998, he died in a New York hospital. I wonder what became of the widow of Alam Channa and his son (who must be about 21 years old now)?

Some of these 'very tall men' in the world from Pakistan are:

Now what is the reality of being tall besides having have a celebrity status if one is discovered.

Just from looking at the images - such as photos, interviews, reports, and documentaries - I felt literally bad for all these people, many of them mentioned that people do NOT give the the privacy that they need in their lives. They can NOT do anything in a normal way because they are a 'tasmasha'( a 24 hours circus) for many! Last year, while watching a report on a Pakistani channel - on Naseer Soomro- young and old in the neighborhood were running after him and shouting, screaming and passing remarks , some trying to touch him and gosh, what a life! This obnoxious behaviour just doesn't stop there - a guy who lives next door - whom they get to see almost every day - why he's not given the space and respect he/she rightly deserves - every day is a living hell.

Some other difficulties that these people face almost on daily basis are:

  1. Means of transport

  2. Dietary needs

  3. Proper Rest rooms

  4. Comfortable shoes as one person complained

  5. Lack of government support ( after all, they are a brand name of country)

  6. Proper Housing

  7. Medical treatments (they must get regular checkups)

These are some of the very few things that their respective countries should provide for them and here in this case Pakistan. Their short lived fame is more of a headache rather than a blessing which add problems to their tough lives.

While being concerned about 'the tall men', we must not forget Zainab Bibi - who was and probably still is the tallest woman of Pakistan. In 2004, she was the second tallest woman in the world. In 2009, on her visit to Britain, she filed for an asylum which was rejected. Her main concerns were the threats she received from different religious groups and the treatment at the hands of the men in general. Moreover, when men are being tortured by our people, I can fully understand Zainab Bibi's status and concerns.

Have to say that being a woman isn't easy in Pakistan.

In one of the interviews, Naseer Soomro mentioned that some of his concerns are: to be watchful of doors, roofs, ceiling fans, getting into a public transport and of course, to run his house as the eldest and the sole bread winner. Both of his parents have passed away. For Haq Nawaz, he said that when he stands up in his yard, he can easily look into the other houses - which of course is a huge problem - while living in a Muslim society - where if by accident he sees a woman - may mean 'a fatwa'...who knows, while on the other have have a 9 or 10 feet wall - means economic burden and some other suspicions.

These tall men wished for: respect for them like any other person, a transport facility and establishing a school in their villages...I wonder, are they asking too much - if they ask for some privacy, respect, space and last but not the least a school for their communities??

They are not just tall but are really great men as well!

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