Monday, July 18, 2011


These are some of the images that I uploaded on FB and with 24 hours 60 people have seriously asked me how to get to these places?

All these photos are from Baltistan by the natives or long term residents of this area - and no wonder that they are breathtaking...the question that we seriously have to ask is, whether we have sincerely tried to do justice to tourism in Pakistan?

Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries, generating an estimated 11% of global Gross Domestic Product(GDP), employing 200 million people and transporting nearly 700 million international travellers per year – a figure that is expected to double by 2020 accroding to one report. I spent my teens in Giglit and lived there for over two years. Though I have travelled extensively, the scenic beauty of Pakistan in general and Northern areas in particular is outstanding.

Around the world, many countries, big and small, developed and underdeveloped are exploring tourism to earn hard cash and soft image. If we look at Pakistan, almost half of all the Top 100 highest mountains of the world are in Pakistan. Gandhara, Taxila and Buddism can bring millions of dollars a year. Indus valley civilization, Mohenjo-daro, Harappa, Silk Road are all in Pakistan....however, nobody highlights it. We, as a nation, have failed misreably to explore this industry. I remeber that I met climbers from Austria, Germany, Canada, Netherlands, Italy, Poland and Japan in 1990s while living up North and for a long time, my sole passion was to become a mountaineer...inspired by these men and women - travelling thousands of miles away on foot, bikes, jeeps and otherwise. Whoever visited once - left the place with a strong desire to come back again. Now when I look back - it really breaks my heart.

Pakistan's most scenic places are economically very weak & tourism can be the industry that can bring a sea of change for the region and its people. It is about time that Gilgit-Baltistan's people and its beautiful culture must meet the world at large!

If we look at Maldives, Thailand, Cambodia, Fiji and Vietnam - we will notice that the main source of their GDP is tourism. The tourism industry makes important contributions to the economies of developing countries, particularly to foreign exchange earnings, employment, and GDP.

How can we not coordinate with different agencies within the government, private sector, NGOs, local communities and private citizens? How can we ignore such a vital industry and let people suffer for generations to generations & are waiting for miracle to happen. How can we NOT globalize Pakistani Tourism and bring it to the world. Answer is simple: Reconsider Pakistan as a 'Tourism Country' rather than anything else. Focus of our Pakistani government must be the betterment of its own people ... it is about time that we act on sustainable development through sustainable tourism in Pakistan...which is one of the recent approaches to tourism.

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