Thursday, July 14, 2011

International Rock Festival (Busan, South Korea)

12th Busan International Rock Festival will kick off on August 5th(Friday). The venue is Samnak Riverside Park. Their slogan is: Samnak (Music + People + Nature) which is to be organizied by the Committee for Busan Culture & Tourism Festival & the sponsors are Busan Metropolitan City. The festival will continue for 3 days with an eventful closing ceremony on August 7th.

This festival started in the year 2000 and a lot of countries besides Korea have participated in it such as, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Britain, USA, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Japan, Russia, China, Poland, Norway, Canada and Italy.

The lineups accumulate acts of various genres such as rock, metal and indie. Busan Rock Festival has a FREE admission policy. This festival enjoyed a total crowd of 100,000 two years ago...and the number is fast increasing!

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