Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Volunteer Activities in Korea
I have met many people who are interested in using their spare time to benefit others by joining hands with organizations - doing volunteering in Seoul and different parts of Korea. When I moved to Seoul, the first organization I joined was Yheesan. Yheesan is dedicated to volunteering at orphanages (Korea-wide) and I used to go to Nooryoungjin Orphanage in Yongsan gu, Seoul - twice a week. They can be reached at http://yheesun.com/
Volunteering involves spending one afternoon a week at an orphanage or signing up for more activities according to your schedule. Anybody can join through their website above.
CCAP: Cross-Cultural Awareness Program is another organization that I'm still associated with. Here students in particular and anybody in general can register at the CCAP program run by UNESCO. One has to give a lecture to a group of students at Korean Public Schools about their culture. Registeration is possible at their website http://ccap.unesco.or.kr/
Global Village Centers associated with Seoul Global Center ( I have written about it in one of the posts) offers monthly volunteer activities at the center for the disabled, Welfare Centers for Senior Citizens or orphanages etc. One such activity is run by Itaewon Global village Center and can be reached by contacting: pthussey@citizens.seoul.kr or visiting: http://global.seoul.go.kr/itaewon
Animal Shelter Volunteers are needed to play with abandoned pets in shelters. There's a group that goes every weekend to a shelter near Seoul. For more information visit ARK website.
To volunteer to join a weekend group, contact one of the following: tim.vasudeva@gmail.com, goesslry@gmail.com, ansauvage@yahoo.ca.
Some local cat shelters also need volunteers.
BEAN is an active networking, volunteering and social group for young professionals in Seoul. BEAN seeks to connect busy people, both Korean and expats, with professional backgrounds through Leadership, Friendship, and Service. They organize regular visits to orphanages to play with children and teach them English, as well as other monthly volunteer and social events. Contact person is: jurica@gmail.com
Seoul Global Center need volunteers on regular basis as mentioned above so don't forget to visit this website.
Hi Sarah, I really want to do the same as you and volunteer at an orphanage while in Korea. But yheesun does not seem to exist anymore. At least I cannot access their website. Could you help me at all?
Dottie Schlueter
Greetings Sarah, What a wonderful gift of Volunteering Opportunities you are providing. My wife - Eun Young (Sally) and I help the Korean Association of Retired Persons on Monday mornings in the Gwangjin Gun area with Conversational English sessions and several other organizations with friendship fellowships. We sometimes get Volunteers from our Meetup http://www.meetup.com/BRIDGEBUILDERS/messages/boards/thread/48330362 I really enjoy your blog and we hope to meet you one day, Dr. Martin Luther King once said the 'It is always the right time to do what is right." You nailed both of them. Grace and Peace, Chris and Eun Young (Sally) Vaia BRIDGER46@HOTMAIL.COM