Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rains have refused to go away (Korean weather)!

My walking trek - all wet...

Koreans have been calling it a strange weather - which they have been experiencing recently - no wonder, these are the global environmental changes that have been making news around the globe as tsunamies, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, typhoons, droughts, landslides and the list goes on - are the signs of warnings!!

 This year it has been raining for the past 2 months and the sun has refused to come out!

Farmers at work - preparing the fields for cabbage plantation (for kimchi).

 A new and the only store in this wilderness.... looks beautiful!!

My walking trek - that I will miss once I leave Korea ( particularly this neighborhood).

It shows that we have not been taking care of our planet earth as much as we should have!!!

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