Thursday, November 3, 2011

Geo News Channel: Newscaster or Torture

Today, all Pakistani media is covering the trial and sentence of the 3 Pakistani cricketers - a sad day however, I want to question the way news is delivered on channelshere.

All channels BUT particularly GEO News Channel - it is a TORTURE to listen and to watch. I always thank God that we have a choice to turn the TV off or switch to another less pathetic channel - so to speak.

Geo has “the most bizarre way" to deliver news anywhere in the world thus far...(some of the newscaster remind me of hawkers in a sabzee mandee).

One of their newscaster, Sana Mirza, interrupted Imran Khan while he was in the middle of the conversation on how he felt about the decision of the court and the punishments handed down...and this woman which I searched on google through her first name interrupted Imran Khan in her shrill and almost yelling/shouting style to first tell her about the "role of education" regarding Salman Butt and Mohammad Amir ( she also elaborated that Salman is the "most highly educated" player who has completed his A Levels (....what????? A-Levels is highly educated???? Good Lord! By the way, honesty and dishonesty doesn't have much to do with a degree or with going to school or not.).

Imran Khan was very upset, he told her to stop interrupting while he is talking and is tryig to answer a question being asked aready, he also warned this woman that if she will do such a thing again then, he will hang up...BRAVO Imran! Thanks for your tips to these jerks to behave  - you rock!!! This woman did not stop there and asked another question and Imran hanged up!

Would Geo TV like to educate and train these psychos – who are imposed on people through the idiot box???

So far, Imran Khan made the most effective and responsible remark on television about this spot-fixing trial.

In the mean time, I really fear for the life of Mohammad Amir, he is projected as a villain in the trial. Everybody is blaming him on telling the truth and openly criticizing on media why he confessed and why he said that he took money and he cheated on Pakistan and the teammates.( I wonder when will we learn to to live Islam raher than debate it!)

Mohammad Amir, God bless you for at least telling the truth. You have saved Pakistani cricket and Pakistan from shameful situations to happen in the future. You do NOT have to feel sorry for telling the truth. However, you will feel the brunt of 'telling truth' in Pakistan…which can be very serious – as public is not used to it!!!
I think this is high time for the people and particularly media in Pakistan to stop damaging and corrupting fellow Pakistanies.

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