Friday, November 25, 2011

Status of Telling the Truth in Pakistan...

The other day while watching Bill Maher's show I came across a clip where a man while giving expertise on Pakistan said: "oh, Pakistanies have become pathological liers now." If we look at our media and particularly news and political shows, it seems as if they are  trying hard to prove that so-called expert at Maher's Show right. I rarely see any credible and trustworthy participants, analysts and experts.

Anyhow, it has been 3-4 days that there is a conspiracy theory that Imran Khan - a symbol of change for Pakistan - met with the American Ambassador and the ISI chief. This question was asked by Imran and he categorically said that the three of them haven't met. All the reporters from all the channels are desperately trying to find a missing link to make this look like a true story. About three days back, US ambassador to Pakistan participated in a program "Capital Talk" and said that the three of them have NOT met...but people with media are still speculating about it. Imran Khan at one occassion said he would NOT mind sharing any such development IF it happens. Nobody in Pakistan is ready to believe them. WHY?

My best bet is, we hear lies so often that if somebody is telling the truth - it comes as a surprise and is taken as a lie, almost always. This has become our national character and it is not an overnight change but took years and years to reach this point. We have a dearth of people who stand by truth and who speak truth, however, the few we have are responsible for what is left of Pakistan.

I saw an anchor of a program on Dunya TV, who at the beginning of a debate where Imran Khan was to answer the questions raised by young people in a live show said: " I will ask only one question" but he kept asking questions, making comments and gave very little time to the audience - for whom the event was organized. It seems as if these program are about: "I, me and myself" and I wonder why those thousands of people who participated in that program could not point this out.

It all reminds me of a Chinese quote that in times of deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act and probably this is what Imran is doing and many of us must follow. I believe that all goodness springs from telling the truth.

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