Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pakistan's National Anthem: Qaumi Tarana

After watching a video here, I though I should do a post on Pakistan's National Anthem.

Pakistan's National Anthem (Qaumi Tarana) is almost entirely in Persian except the connecting word "ka" and hence, it is extremely difficult for the general public to memorize it and even if people do memorize it they forget it easily because they don't know what it means, word for word. It has been a common experience that most of the Pakistanies  mix-up the versus of our Tarana. I have to admit that no matter what, we can NOT justify - not knowing the country's National Anthem.

The lyrics of Pakistan's national anthem are from Hafeez Jallundhri and the compostion was done by Ahmed Ghulamali Chagala (whose sons' website is a good source of information and can be visited here).

In another news report, even members of parliament - both national and  provincial assembly - were unable to do the task of reciting it (which should be made mandatory for them to learn by heart before taking oath) - which is shocking and sad!

One day, a group of friends hailing from different countries sat together and we shared the national anthems of each other and also shared our opinions, to my surprise, majority of students thought that Pakistani National Anthem's tune sounds "sad". I never looked at our anthem in this way. Many of the anthems compostions are not always music to the ears but still,  they have reasons to recognize it as the anthem's compostion. So it was a good learning process to hear what others had to say. I personally believe that anthems be such: that they facilitate people, they are easy to sing and to understand by the whole country despite of illiteracy or without having a beautiful voice besides the basic criteria of being motivational and that its poetry highlights the past, present and future of the people of the land etc.

Like all other issues, we are unable to have a decent discussion on any topic because we are now in a habit of regarding everything as: either against Islam or against Pakistan. People who tried to talk about issues were either punished by being shot dead, blown up or just had to leave Pakistan from time to time. This trend is quite alarming because we are turning into a stale, stagnant and a sick nation.


  1. I liked your post a lot. It nice to share your views on Quomi Taraana. We should cherish our cultural identity no matter where we are. It highlights the positive aspects of our society and shows a side that many are still not familiar with.

  2. @Hameed Shah: Thank you for the encouragement & your comments!
