Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pakistani Media is God's Vice says BBC!

A very intersting and comprehensive article by BBC Urdu's Wussatullah Khan can be read in detail here. The author has tried to question the limit for the media - the so-called TV Channels. Accroding to him, television  is NOT doing any service for the society but instead is endangering the lives through its unthoughful and provocative programs (where people's private lives becomes a tamasha on TV..why???) and this menace MUST STOP!

There is a famous proverb: "jis ki laathi uski bhains"  or simply put: who has the power has his say.
In case TV channels do NOT know how to use their power in a right and just manner - keeping in view the morals and ethics to do a program - then they must be sued and heavily fined. These days our media ceases to understand that with a camera in hands - they must act responsibily!

In our system, nobody is trying to find wrong within their own ranks and that is interesting for me.

We all remember Madrassa Hafsa's Burqa clad girls (of Lal Masjid Crisis). A detailed report by Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) can be read here. Professor Adil Najam in an article entitled "Laathi Raj: Jamia Hafsa's Offensive on a Divided Offensive"  wrote:

"...if one believes that the violent and coerced imposition of any one view - conservative or liberal; secular or religious - is wrong, then one has to reject all laathis (sticks). One has to be as opposed and as appalled at the laathis being wielded by the burqa-clad women on Jamia Hafsa as one was a few weeks ago to the laathis wielded by the police at lawyers..."

Two wrongs don't make a right!

Since the introduction of endless TV channels, degradation of moral, ethical values is on the rise, insanity prevails and the reports and programs have gone from bad to worse which has added fuel to the fire in an already crazy and evil system!


1-  An Article by DAWN News: Big Brother (and Sister) is Watching You

2- Another post at Zee News here.

3- BBC Artile: Moral Policing of Taliban Style by a Pakistani Private Channel.