Friday, February 17, 2012

Walking Through Islamabad: Between G-11 and F-11

A mazar's door of an unknown saint!

Dirt-cheap oranges can be seen everywhere- near a crossing!

Cattle Herd that supplies milk to the locals.

Malnourished calf  :-( A perfect pose!

Adorable and scared!

A Chicken in husk houses..

Enjoying the day...
More of them...

Most solid structure - a masjid (mosque)  in the neighborhood built illegally!

Mosque from afar...

A vey unique grave - solid stone carved!

A husk-house and apartments in backdrop...

Kitchen area!
A gardener trimming his beard and a hukkah on his side!

Gardener's traditional shoes called Khussa (made with pure leather and hand stiched)

Apartments for Federal Government Officials and some of them are rented out to Afghan Familes by the proud owners!
PTI 's (Imran Khan's Party) Flag rising high on a husk-house - PTI picking up real roots at the grass-root level!

Margalla Hills in the backdrop!

Mobile ice-cream vendor

Carpets being sold at the road -side in Islamabad - the most frequent scene!

More carpets: how much does CDA and Islamabad Police get in kickbacks???

More Pakistani rugs and carpets

Mahasher (also called Mahseer or Indian Salmon or Tiger Fish) - such fish stalls are found on the road sides in Islamabad!