Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Religious Minorities in Pakistan Face Forced Conversions

Pakistan since it's independence has failed to protect the religious minorities in Pakistan. They are killed ruthelessly, burned alive or have been discriminated on daily basis and a new chapter in recent days (but actually many years) is the forced conversion of Hindu young girls to Islam. Psycho and jahil (illiterate/ignorant) on a mass scale as a nation(crowd, actually), nothing can beat this.

Short cuts to heaven is what many muslims in Pakistan seek at a larger scale. Well, convert her, blow him up or chop their heads off...this is the beauty of it all. Though Islam does NOT allow any of such acts but past few years in Pakistan and Islamic countries have knocked out all sense out of Islam. When was suicide permissable in Islam? Where is forcing people to convert to Islam is justified in Quran? Is that what post Ghazwa scenerioes in Islamic history indicate? NO. Not at all. It was Akhlaqe Hasana and Haqqoqul Ibad, morons. This is why Islam spread like a wild fire not because it was imposing, forcing people to do this or that...

I strongly condemn the madness at large in Pakistan and the obsessions with beheading and forcefully converting people to Islam which in fact has 'no room in Islam' per se. I feel ashamed as a muslim because of such acts. Thank you Ziaul Haq and Bhutto for using religion as a tool for staying in power and fooling people, may you rot in hell!

As a member of a minority community (a muslim) overseas, I strongly condemn this violence against Hindus, Christians, Sikhs etc. and more so against women of minority religions in Pakistan.

A report on minorities published in 2002 also highlighted this issue back then but I am pretty sure that nothing was done to tackle the problem which has swelled over the years and is getting out of control. According to some estimates 20-30 girls are abducted and forced to convert to Islam every month, for more read here. Sadly, nobody would open their mouth in this land of pure called Pakistan that probably believes that silence is gold - on all issues big and small.

I wonder when was the last time majority in Pakistan was ever willing to give equal rights to minorities or were tolerant towards them...when was it?????? Hmmmm....never, yes. Believe it or not, this is a fact. So my suggestion is: please change the flag of Pakistan and remove the white color and dye it green - will you??