Friday, April 27, 2012

Crash Site of Bhoja Air: A New Picnic Spot

Pakistan has been poisoned slowly but surely by its own people, both rulers and who are ruled. We the people have damaged it more than anyone and anything but yes, we are good at pointing fingers at others.
Degradation of ethical and moral values here is hard to witness and to digest. People living in Pakistan really need a psycho therapy at a mass scale. No wonder that deaths, accidents, bombings, suicide attacks, floods, earthquakes, killings, rapes, sectarian genocide and persecution of religious minorities are a norm of the day but amidst all this bloodbath and suffering instead of being more sympathetic and humane than others we have become heartless and soulless.
A good example is that of a recent Bhoja airline crash site. People in hoards are visiting this crash site with their children to enjoy the day - not to pay respects( or offer fateha). While walking around they are seen hitting/kicking the wreckage, posing in front of it and are seen busy in treasure hunting. If you don't believe me, watch it here on BBC. 30,000 people visited the site in 2 days - that is sick, I must say.
I can't help saying that I hate Pakistani authorities, careless and irresponsible as they always are, they have failed to protect this site from access of general public. I understand that we do NOT have enough parks or entertainment venues but hey, a crash site should not be considered as a replacement. I also fail to understand the mindset of the people (morons) who are visiting this crash site: I wonder why are they visiting and roaming around so casually and that too with children at a place where dead bodies were littered all over just 10 days ago. Don't they have better things to do and places to go to.
I want to request Pakistan government to close access for general public at this crash site with immediate effect until all the wreckage is removed and a proper memorial is built for the victims. I also request the people to stop visiting this crash site for reasons of curiosity, treasure hunting and sort.
I repeat, wake up Pakistan: learn to respect the dead, death, death sites - please! Our religion also demands this from us - muslims!