Saturday, April 21, 2012

Respect for the Dead in Pakistan.

A Bhoja Air plane just crashed near Islamabad Airport on its inaugral flight.  All 127 passengers on board are confirmed dead. Inna Lilahi wa Inna Elahay Rajeon!

May God give strength to the families of the bereaved to bare this huge loss.

Everything aside, the Pakistani News Channels are mercilessly carrying out live footage and apathetic eye witness accounts of the incident from people whom I think are cashing their 5 minutes of fame on TV - a new craze of this country. One has to have a heart of stone to listen and watch these news and nobody in our media is realizing how tormenting this must have been for the families who have lost their loved ones, so far away and their only source is this outrageous and irresponsible TV coverage. Right choice of words and respect of the dead must be the priority of the TV channels but instead they are busy sensationalizing this accident.

One news anchor asked: would you explain the conditions of the bodies? The answer was gross: the man started explaining what size of body pieces and what body parts he saw in a gruesome way whereas another man behind him was smiling all along. This is what I call WTF moment!

Death is so frequent that it means "nothing" for the people here. Earlier this month, Siachin tragedy could made headline is 8 hours - that's how long it took for the media to give the news its proper place.

Death is less of a tragedy for this country and more of a circus for the media!

We were much better off with one or two channels...really.

I have turned off the TV and would rather read about it than to witness the irresponsible journalism  that surrounds this air crash along with many other tragedies that take place on daily basis in Pakistan. TV channels in Pakistan  boils my blood and drive me crazy.