Tuesday, May 8, 2012

CDA - Water Tankers Service!

A German friend in curiosity asked me about the science of fibre glass tanks on the rooftops of Korean houses and he wondered what those were meant for? When I told him how it works he thought of it as quite primitive and on that I advised him to visit Pakistan and he will know what primitive actually means!

Many of the countries in the periphery are progressing in one way or the other but Pakistan - it is moving towards Dark Ages and we will surely make them darker than the original. I will give an example of the capital city of Pakistan, Islamabad - relocated in 1960s from Karachi, a port city in the south. Like metropolitan governments elsewhere we have an administrative body known as the Capital Development Authority (CDA) established in 1960. One word that would sum up the working of this organization is "inefficiency". They are a huge failure and their failure add to the miseries of common citizens of the city.

6-8 hours of power shutdown, load shedding of gas and insufficient supply of water is a norm of this capital city of Pakistan. I only mentioned these three things because they make up the minimum basics of living anywhere. CDA has set up all sorts of complain offices with a staff that numbers in hundreds and thousands but does nothing.  I do not understand why a huge inefficient workforce is put in place which is just a burden to the tax payers pocket? I feel that a handful of efficient staff can do wonders - but all it takes is doing duties responsibly and honestly but then the word honest and responsibility does NOT exist in a Pakistani lexicon anymore. They are replaced by corruption and irresponsibilty. This place is good enough to drive anyone crazy. A case in point is that of water supply tanker service run by CDA. They start taking calls  and I kept track of it from 6:00 am. I was lucky to get to talk to them at 6:30 a.m. One has to call their office and leave a request with your address. Our complain number was 101. CDA has 4 trucks in my area. and even after 15 hours there was no truck. I was told that the tanker will come at 10 p.m and then I was told that it is 12 mid- night. and then 1 a.m. CDA charges RS.35 or about 25 cents for this service almost free but then they never show up - that is the problem. Sometimes if people pay them extra money like Rs.350/- then they do show up at a decent time or else they will never come, it is a lie. Personally I filed complains 5 times and I never saw a tanker - not even once - actually their way of doing business is slightly different - one has to bribe the staff and there you go. I do not know if there is a method to punch CDA but if I could I would have done so!