Friday, June 15, 2012

Korean Tomatoes from Mr. Kim Paek-neon's Farm

Mr. Kim's farm produce. I guess that I tasted one of the juiciest and aromatic tomatoes of my life in Korea. I Mr. Kim's passion and handwork brought this texture to his produce. I always waited anxiously for summers to have fresh supplies of it, these veges are in supply from June to mid August. Mr. Kim's family has been in this neighborhood since Joseon dynasty- about 400 years - isn't it amazing.
They grow a few other vegetables like cucumber, pumpkin, eggplant, garlic, onions and some flowers too.

I was given these for free usually a kilogram costs about 4USD or 4,000 won approximately. I had to give him and his wife token money which they were very hesitant to accept but finally they did. I missed them both, very much when I left Korea, they took really good care of me. People have a beautiful heart in Korea and these farmers have really big hearts.