Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pumpkins in my neighborhood farm in Bundang

My everyday walking track includes some streams, farming communities and lush green rice, phaichu (Korean cabbage), youngpha(spring onion), hobak (pumpkin), peppers or kokuma (sweet potatoes) fields. I thought I should share. After yesterdays typhoon - it is a partly cloudy/sunny day and I'm so happy.

This huge pumpkin is about 7-8 kilos in weight, when it fall off and I tried to pick it up - had problems doing so...

Rice fields near my house...

Dragon flies are in abundance and are quite friendly..

I made tamporas with the pumpkin flowers... a simple and delicious recipe!

Another shape...

Wild flowers - beautiful but thorny..

Spring onion +green chili in a green house...

Small baby pumpkin - they are delicious when baked or even grillled

Cheonggye Mountain is in the background - hikers, trackers and mountain bikers visit it frequently.

More of pumpkins....

..and some more...