Saturday, October 13, 2012

Greater Seoul Region: Cocuma/Sweet Potatoes Harvest in Pictures

Don't need words when photos can do a job..

My Korean Halabbu-ji's younger brother and his wife...

Wife of HAJ, hard at work even though she is in her 70s...

When has to dig out the soil around the sweet potato plant and then pull the kokumas out - one at a time or a whole bunch...

Pulling the sweet potato out!

Final moment...

Removing soil from the sides so that it loosens and can be easily pulled!
Some of the sweet potatoes were huge...  weighing about one kilo but the farmers told me that the medium sized are much tastier!

A whole bunch that I pulled out!

Again, the technique...

A neighbor stopped by....

A box of sweet potatoes....

Hard at work...
Toutouri filled with boxes of sweet potatoes produce....