Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Miss You!

My brother's grave with flowers from his rose bush  at our home...


I can't believe how fast this year has passed and how much has changed and yet remained the same. It is this month, day and time that my brother passed away a few years ago. In ways it seems just like yesterday and then as I look back I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. The pain of watching him die at such a young age, only in his early 30s, is still afresh in my mind so as I think about him the pain resurfaces raw. So yes time heals wounds in that you do not relive it every moment, and you are able to hide it beneath the daily callings of life. But the fact remains that when I think about him tears swell in my eyes and I feel the deep pain in my heart. But most days I do not think about him, this is how we move on with our lives, not reliving the past but by accepting the things as they are.

The graveyard near my childhood home

I started my day with Fajar namaz, Quran and talking to my mom. I also did some special cooking and made things that he loved to eat but the worst part was to sit alone and eat…I also missed Pakistan and missed being there because the people I love are there, my childhood memories, all of us together under one roof not knowing what years ahead were gonna bring forth...

This place is across my old home in Islamabad where he was born, grew up....and is buried...

May your soul  rest in peace!

 Allah tumharay darajat buland karay....Ameen!