Monday, November 26, 2012

"Marriage Proposal Wall" at Cheonggye Stream

Source:  google

Cheonggye Cheon/Stream is a famous tourist spot in Seoul. Historically, geographically, politically, economically or just as a tourist spot...this place is one of the most significant landmarks of Seoul.

From the geomancy perspective or for marriage proposals Cheonggye Cheon is a must visit spot!

I had no clue about its "Marriage Proposal Wall" until a friend's friend actually used it ;-)

I goggled about it and here you go: Cheongge Cheon recently achieved its 1000th. marriage proposal.

The first official declaration of undying love was made on Christmas Eve in 2007. Since then, 999 marriage proposals have been made and accepted, representing an incredible 100 percent success rate. Only 18 couples are believed to have broken up since, meaning that 98.2 percent are still married to each other or waiting to do so.

In a country where divorce rate is one of the highest in the world, I suppose if not all then many aspiring candidates should be going there to have a successful marriage!
For more read here at Chosun Ilbo.