Thursday, December 6, 2012

Minus 10 degrees Celsius for Seoul with 45% Humidity

 I made this video on my way home yesterday from a bank which is just 10 minutes away from where I live....and within an hour a very clean and dry road turned like what you see in this video.....

Seoul Dips to -10'C now and icy winds have made things even worse, after 24 hours of non-stop snowfall on Wednesday. Even though the sun is bright and skies are deep blue at this point but it will be really cold. View from the window is indeed beautiful but once outside, it is going to be a tough day ahead. I have already cancelled my appointment and will spend the entire day indoors.

For citizens' convenience, the Seoul City Government has added additional subway trains between the morning peak commute time of 7 to 9:30 a.m.
Officials are warning those who have to drive to take extra care as roads are slippery.
Heavy snow advisories have been lifted in most areas though!

Stay SAFE and WARM!