Monday, December 17, 2012

Temperature: Minus 41 Degrees Centigrade in....

From Skype chat with bro.

It is my brother's birthday and so many happy returns of the day for him, Wish him health, happiness and peace of mind. While talking to him I said that it is painfully cold here in Seoul -  minus 10 Centigrade (-10 °C) so he showed me the temperature of the city where he was MINUS 41 degrees centigrade (-41°C or -41.8 °F).

Now, of course nobody can compete with the Siberian cold but the point is they have fantastic heating inside the house so everyone is roaming in T-shirts. Last year, temperatures went down to minus 55 degrees Celsius.

BTW. isn't it the temperature when the plane is flying at a hight of 50,000 meter above the surface of the ground or so..;-)

And the picture below is the last new moon of 2012. Beautiful!
I took this picture last night too!

Stay warm folks!