Saturday, December 1, 2012

Visit to a FREE K-Style Hair Styling Class

I posted about this Free K-Hair Styling class to be organized by SG Culture and Tourism Center in Myeongdong. I personally went there to see what's on? I signed for the class and while doing so,  I never noticed that the logo of that ad. was same but the address was different from Seoul Global Center/SGC (located in the Press Center at City Hall). I went to straight to the City Hall and found that SGC only have a Korean language class and I was like ...what??? I rechecked my mail and found that there is this branch of SGC in Myeong-dong at M-Plaza - a Korean cultural experience place...which regularly holds classes on just about everything. Hence, check that out and try your hands on it.

On my way to the K-Hair Style class, I got stuck in the traffic jam at Gangnam. For some reason, traffic police was controlling /directing traffic and there was quite a chaos.

Finally, I reached Sejong-ro. Sejong-ro needs a separate post but just have to say that it has changed incredibly over the past few years to an extent that one can't recognize it!
I remember that along with my mom and other family members we often used to come down here.

While heading to Seoul Global Center located at the Press Center next to the City Hall, you can see the old building and the new building of city hall in the shape of a wave - made with fiber glass. It  seems as if  it will eat up the old building which was made by the Japanese during the colonial period. A friend said to me that it does symbolize this but I think that this wave-shape structure symbolizes the Korean Wave.  Anyhow, even though the government wanted to demolish the old building (which is very pretty) but Citizen's Action group and other organizations rallied to preserve this structure and thankfully  and they were successful in saving it from demolition - one of the favorite pastimes of the City government.

I entered the city hall and this is what I saw: stacks of books at the Citizen's library...a MUST VISIT place for everybody whether you have anything to do with books or not! I always thought that we needed such a library, just like other areas in Seoul and finally, we have got one - right in the heart of Seoul. I'm so glad!

 At SGC, they told me to walk to Myeong-dong and avoid any/every public transport - simply walk and I can get to the SGC&T within 7 minutes and
I did! I was 30 minutes late for the class even though I left home very early. The class was already underway.

My table had these follow and to proceed.... (clips, hair bands, hair pins, gel, tissues, mirror, instructions etc.)

They asked one Japanese tourist to volunteer for them.

Several stylist from Ra Beauty Core helping out the participants!

Main stylist - Seo, Sung-deok, explaining about how to hold and section the hair... the stylists came from Ra Beauty Core - a salon which is frequented by K-Pop Stars and actors etc. It is located in Cheongdam-dong and  Sinsa dong, Gangnam-gu.

This is the Haechi Hall where different activities with respect to Korean culture and Korean Wave take place throughout the week.

One of the traditional spots where u can take photos, or experience Hanbok and other Korean stuff etc...all services are FREE. Their working hours are from 10a.m to 10p.m.

Hanbok clad Mannequins!

Sponsors of the K-Style Class - all stylists came from Ra Beauty Core atSinsa-dong.

The K-Stylists with K-Pop artists/actors etc.

They wrote me their name and contact. In case you wanna visit them for haircare /styling ..follow this address or simply call them.

The main organizers: Seoul Global Cultural and Tourism Center - Myeong-dong

All participants enjoyed the program and actually learned a few techniques! There are two more classes left and if interested, simply register and join!