Friday, December 21, 2012

Snow Fall, Malls, Christmas Trees and Full Boots

We have all sorts of interpretations of Maya ...but here in Korea, the day started with heavy snow fall and all one can see is the white carpet everywhere.SO our afterlife is is colder than usual days and looks pretty thus far.

It is hardly one hour and the lake  and the road that goes up to the lake near my place looks like this..

A few days are left of 2012, where it slipped and how fast it went by, I can't came and it went.........

This is my video ( I made today) of the road going up to the lake and then the lake itself ...this is the amount of snow that fell in less than an hour.

This is view from the lake which is now frozen and all the ducks have migrated already. It will still take a couple of more snowfalls when people will walk and skate on it!

Hey, drive safe and stay warm...

By the way, day before yesterday while at a store, I noticed long/fur boots and shoes were the hottest item being sold and then jackets and  bags.... ( I desperately need long boots with fur inside them however here in Korea they are over priced and so I'm gonna buy them in  States. I regret why I threw my boots when I was leaving Korea?? What was the hurry?? Gosh, they were  so comfortable and nice...I miss them.

I like these shoes (flat ones) in the last photo as they seem comfortable and warm too.

I like this backpack - the brown one!

The decorations are nice

Some of the picture were taken at AK Plaza while others at Lotte in Bundang.

Before coming out of the store, I saw one interesting thing which helps to keep your back, shoulder-neck and feet warm (hot packs - microwave heating pads)....all you have to do is to microwave it and then wrap it around these places. Must get one for my a gift for her on her birthday  which is on December 25th. I'm quite sure she wont use them...that's her style...

 One pair sells for 38 USD or 38,000 won.
Happy Holidays everybody!