Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Blog in Japanese

It was interesting to see that a lot of traffic to my blog is coming from Japan and this is what I found!

Click HERE.

ガガ:安らかに眠れ(b.2002 - d.2010)



半永久的にテレビで放送アリラン韓国のテレビ番組である。 これは、ソウルに住んでいる外国人居住者と周りを中心に展開。 彼 らはソウルのイスラム教徒についての彼らのエピソードの一つの一部であるように、残念ながら、私は、しかし、いくつかの個人的な理由で参加できない私に連 絡して、テレビ、誰にされて気にしない誰も特にイスラム教徒の女性が、ソウルに住んでいるは次のようになります。素晴らしい選択肢。





私はラホール今日とバドマスジドとラホールフォートへの私の訪問を考えていた。 私が気づいたことの一つは、そこにバイクの数であった。 私たちは、単にベトナムに追いついていると思います。

上の写真は、Data Darbarの近くにある - トラフィックはクレイジーです。 すべてのことに、私は自転車に彼の家族をジャグリング、この男を見た。 私はそれらすべてを数えることができなかったので遅くして我々のドライバーと語った。 このバイクは何人ですか推測することはできますか?

私は、あなたがすることはできません知っている。 これは自転車に7人であり、男はかなり速いそれに乗っていた。 向こう見ず:これは我々が呼ぶことができるものです。 

Semipermanent - TV Show on Expats in Seoul

Semipermanent is a Korean TV program that airs on Arirang TV. It revolves around expats living in and around Seoul. They contacted me to be a part of one of their episodes about Muslims in Seoul but unfortunately, I can't participate for some personal reasons however, anybody especially Muslim women, who do NOT mind being on TV and who are living in Seoul would be a wonderful choice.

Anyone who wants to be  a part of this mini documentary on Muslims in Korea, please leave a comment here on my blog or shoot me an email at: sarahinseoul (at) gmail (dot)com

Past episodes of Semipermanent can be seen here:
or visit their facebook page here.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lahore and the motorbikes

I was thinking of Lahore today and my visit to Badshahi Masjid and the Lahore Fort. One thing that I noticed was the number of motorbikes there. I think that we are simply catching up with Vietnam.

The photos above are near Data Darbar - the traffic is crazy. In all that, I saw this man, juggling his family on the bike. I told our driver to slow down since I couldn't count them all. Can you guess how many people are on this bike?

I know you can NOT. It is 7 people on this bike, and the guy was riding it pretty fast. This is what we can call: daredevils.

 Aside from this family, one more thing that was shocking was : women with really long chaddars were riding a bike and without even thinking what if it get stuck in the wheels of the bike that they are riding or in something else.

Amazing images can be witnessed on the streets of Lahore, Pakistan.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Prayers Required!

One of our dearest cats has fallen sick, all of a sudden. Please remember her in your prayers!q

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cheongdamdong Alice - 청담동 알리스

The last episode is airing now and many are bowled over by this drama. This is the first time, I've ever written about any Korean drama, the main actress, Moon Guen-Young, looks under-age still. She has changed a lot too, somehow bangs just doesn't suit her. In general, it is much appreciated that there's a happy ending and so was in this case


Han Se-Gyung (Moon Geun-Young) is a young woman with a very positive character. Her motto is "effort will take me as far as I want to go". She wins many designing contests and finally joins a clothing company. But, at work, Han Se-Gyung does errands and chores rather than design. Meanwhile, the wife of an upper management employment at the clothing company humiliates Han Se-Gyung. The wife is actually a former high school classmate of Han Se-Gyung who didn't do better than her in school. This makes Han Se-Gyung look back on her life.


  1. "Cheongdamdong Alice" takes over the SBS Saturday & Sunday 22:00 time slot previously occupied by "Five Fingers" and followed by "Incarnation of Money" on February 2, 2013.
  2. Title "Cheongdamdong" refers to the Cheongdam neighborhood in Gangnam, Seoul. The area is known for its high end fashion shops and is sometimes referred to as the "Fashion and Art Street". 
Source: here.

Citizenship in Korea

In 1957, a Taiwanese man became the first foreigner to receive Korean citizenship. Until 2000, only a few dozen foreigners obtained Korean citizenship every year.

But between 2001-2010, an average of 9,816 foreigners a year became naturalized, accounting for 98 percent of the total. Chinese topped the list with 79,163, or 79 percent, followed by 9,207 Vietnamese (9 percent), 5,233 Filipinos (5 percent), and 2,093 Taiwanese (2 percent).

Roy Alok Kumar (55), a professor of Indian languages at Pusan University of Foreign Studies, graduated from India's prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University and the University of Delhi and arrived here in March 1980 on a Korean government scholarship.

He married a Korean woman and has two daughters. He applied for naturalization determined to give up his Indian passport but was allowed to keep it after new rules on dual citizenship went into effect this month. He has thus become the 100,000th. foreigner to receive Korean citizenship.

Who are eligible for the citizenship in Korea read here.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Wonder Girls Sun-ye's Wedding photo

An image from the pre-wedding photo shoot of Sun-ye, the lead singer of Wonder Girls, was released on on Wednesday.

In the picture, she is shown with her fiancé James Park while also holding a bouquet.

The couple will tie the knot at the Lotte Hotel in Sogong-dong, Seoul on Saturday.

Friday, January 25, 2013


It's Eid-e- Milad today.
Muslims traditionally celebrate Eid Miladun Nabi, the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) with fervor and enthusiasm. However, in 2013, the anniversary should provide another occasion for evaluating the position in which the country stands, because this Eid Milad is falling just before a general election. 

The people of Pakistan have to compare the sublime message of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), the fraternity, mercy and peace that he preached, and the violence and mayhem being committed by Pakistanis quite frequently, claiming to massacre in the name of a religion which preaches peace towards all mankind. 

Eid - e - Milad also provides an opportunity for Pakistan to reflect on how well we have protected the weak in our own society, as recommended by the Prophet (pbuh). With no sphere of life left in which he did not provide an excellent tradition, Muslims must look into their hearts to see whether they are doing justice to his example. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) provided a model of tolerance, goodwill and patience towards all mankind, and all religions. The massacres being conducted, in the name of Islam, are a clear sign of those who have never followed the religion in its true spirit. Those elements causing division in society, preaching hate, intolerance and false pride must be advertised as a danger to the health of our nation and the security of our future. The Prophet (pbuh) introduced modernity in a dark era, while in the present day, regressive forces would plunge us back into darkness in the name of religion.

Celebrating Miladun Nabi means to follow on the path of the Holy Prophet - to learn a lesson from a hadith or two  - even that will bloom our life.

Source: The Nation

Aung San Suu Kyi - Some Interesting Facts

Well, Suu Kyi is a household name in Asia and probably elsewhere as well. While posting about her talk in Gwangju, I ended up reading Peter Popham - who has interviewed Aung San Suu Kyi a couple of times. It's not just just Peter but even if one has gone through the article on Aung San Suu Kyi in Wikipedia - would have read about her freshman years at Oxford and how she evolved as a woman - away from her mother's influence.

It is said that at Oxford, she fell in love with a Pakistani student called Tariq Hyder and it's also said that some of her Indian friends disliked Tariq - well, that's obvious. Later on, he lost interest and turned her down, but the relationship, or at least her hopes of it, outlasted her university career writes Peter.

It is said that Tariq Hyder became a diplomat and as I was reading this, it rang some bells. Oh my God, I thought. I personally know Tariq and have met him a couple of times - who used to be a career diplomat and served as the ambassador of Pakistan in various countries including South Korea. His full name is Tariq Osman Hyder, my mom has a book from Ambassador Tariq's (late) mother - her autobiography, whch is one of the most engaging books I have read. Mr. Tariq Hyder's father used to be one of the famous diplomats who has served as Pakistan's ambassador in Dehli and Moscow - at the peak of cold war era.

I think that among the various diplomats or ambassadors that I have met thus far, I was most impressed by Ambassador Tariq Hyder - a very kind, warm and concerned person. In his capacity as an ambassador, he did his best to help the Pakistani community. Everybody knew him in Seoul and some of the most wonderful projects kicked off during his tenure in Seoul. He writes extensively on Pakistan-India relations. He holds a BA and MA from Oxford university and was a fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. He served in the foreign office from 1967 - 2007.

One of Tariq Osman Hyder's article is here.

Aung San Suu Kyi - Talk at Gwangju

Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of democracy Movements in Burma and the laureate of the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights in 2004, will visit Metropolitan city of Gwangju on 30 January, 2013. She is scheduled to visit the World Winter Games Special Olympics in Pyeong Chang and move to Gwangju on 30. In Gwangju, she will attend the welcoming dinner which will be co-organized by Gwangju City and the May 18 Memorial Foundation, and give an acceptance speech of the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights which was awarded to her in 2004. On 31, she will visit the May 18 National Cemetery and move to Chonnam University for special lecture, followed by her departure to Seoul.

 Aung San Suu Kyi emerged as a leader of the Burmese democracy movement during the 8888 uprising in 1998. Although suffered from repeated under house arrests without charge, she stuck to the philosophy of non-violence in every struggle and earned her strong support from Burmese people. Her brave efforts for the sake of the pro-democracy movement won her the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991. Released completely from the house arrest on November 2010, In 2012, she resumed her political career by gaining the victory at the April by-election and also embarked on her first trip abroad in 24 years.

 As one of the laureates of the Gwangju Prize for Human Rights, she sent a congratulatory message for the Prize winner to the May 18 Memorial Foundation in 2011. She was officially invited to the World Human Rights Cities Forum 2012, held in Gwangju, as a keynote speaker.

 The May 18 Memorial Foundation has awarded Gwangju Prize for Human Rights to two pro-democracy activists of Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi (in 2004) and Min Ko Naing (in 2009) and kept on a variety of solidarity works such as supporting Burmese refugees and visiting activists. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

WiBro 4G Eggs from KT

The NEW Egg - WiBro

TheWiBro 4G egg allows Wi-Fi connection for up to three devices. However, if you are going to stay in South Korea for a short period or forced to use it only for a few days, you will most likely be reluctant to commit yourself to a contract. If so, rent a WiBro egg at KT store. KT rents you egg at 8,000 won per day in 82 cities nationwide. Don’t miss this opportunity to use unlimited internet without buying an egg.

WiBro 4G egg rental service lets you use unlimited internet at 8,000 won a day. Available for rent for individual and business user, you need to show your photo I.D and pay deposit to rent one.   

By the way, one must note that WiBro - the egg is Egg is a device that allows Wi-Fi connection for up to 5 devices including smart phones and tablets.

Read here at the kt-blog

Incheon International Airport has a full blown cellphone rental and WiBro rental service and for that click here and visit their website. While roaming Korea then roam like THIS.

This is one of the cheapest way to get hold of cell phones and wifi egg. 

Make reservations here.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Korean Test Tomorrow

This is one of the texts that I have to prepare for the test. The course revolves around pressing issues in contemporary Korean society. Have to prepare 18 such articles....
This particular passage below is based on:  60 Years of Korean Government Policy on Family Planning.

6.25 전쟁 (1950 6 25 (발발) ~1953 727 (휴전 – ceasefire협정/truce/)) 포성이멎은 일어난 베이비붐으로 1960 남한(dprk) 인구는 10년전보다 500 명이 늘어난 2500 명을 헤아렸다 (consider/count). 인구수가 남복한 대결(confront) 승페(outcome) 가른다(split) 논리 아래(logic),어머니날 행사(occasion)에서 다산모를 표창할(recommendation) 정도로 출산을  장려한(encourage)정부 (govt.) 정책과 (policy) “제가 먹을 것은갖고 태오난다 전통적 관념(sense/notion) 낳은 인구의 폭발적증가였다.하지만 인구증가 율이 3% 가깝던 1961 5.16군사정부는 인구 통제를 통한 경제 성장 전력을 채택하였다. 세자녀터울(age gap), 35 단산을 슬로건으로 내건(put up) 대한가족 계획의 ‘3.3.3운동 결과로 1970년에는 여성1명당 자녀수는 10 전의 6명에서4.5 으로 줄어들었다.그러나 전체 인구가 3100 명을 넘어선 당시 (in those days) 1.8%의이구 증가율(rate of increase) 여전히 경제성장(growth)의걸림돌(shrunk) 여겨졌다 (be considered).
무턱대고(thoughtless) 남다 보면 거지꼴을 면하다 협박성(intimidatory) 출산 억제 표어(slogan) 1970년대 들어 하루앞선(precedent/earlier) 가족계획, 십년앞선 생활안정(stability)” 으로 순화되었다(acclimatized). 딸아들 구별 말고둘만 낳아 기르자 표어는 인구4000 명을 돌파한 1980년에는 키운, 딸하나 열아들 안부럽다 바뀌었다. 그러나 셋에서 둘로, 다시하나로 국가가 자녀수까지 통제하던 시절 출산 조절은 개인의 권리가 아닌 국민의 의무였다(obligation/liability).
인구시계가 5000만명을 가리킨(기리키다: indicate/point at) 지난 6(2012623일오후 6 36), 우리는 세계 7번째로 국민소득 2 달러, 인구 5000 명이상 국가들을 ㄱㅏ리키는 ’20-50 클럽 가입했다.그러나 저줄산 문제가 해소되다.”아빠!훈자는 싫허요.엄마! 저도동생은 갖고있어요라는 출산 장려 (promote) 표어와 결혼 1 내에 임신해 자녀 2 30 이전에 낳아 건강하게 기르자 ‘1.2.3 출산 운동 인구 증가율이 1% 미만, 가임여성 1인당(per capita) 출산율이 1.16명으로 세계 죄저(lowest) 수준인 우리 사회가 앓고(suffer) 있는 저출산 눈제의 실상을  드러낸다reveal). 으리가 일군(reclaim) 기적(miracle) 같은 사회 경제적 성공의 이면에는 개인 특히 여성의 회생이(sacrifice) 컸다는 사살을 기역해야한다. 출산과 육아에(infant care) 대한 부담(bear the burden) 정부와 사회가 그들과 함께 나누는 정책 마련이 시급하다.