Friday, January 25, 2013


It's Eid-e- Milad today.
Muslims traditionally celebrate Eid Miladun Nabi, the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) with fervor and enthusiasm. However, in 2013, the anniversary should provide another occasion for evaluating the position in which the country stands, because this Eid Milad is falling just before a general election. 

The people of Pakistan have to compare the sublime message of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), the fraternity, mercy and peace that he preached, and the violence and mayhem being committed by Pakistanis quite frequently, claiming to massacre in the name of a religion which preaches peace towards all mankind. 

Eid - e - Milad also provides an opportunity for Pakistan to reflect on how well we have protected the weak in our own society, as recommended by the Prophet (pbuh). With no sphere of life left in which he did not provide an excellent tradition, Muslims must look into their hearts to see whether they are doing justice to his example. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) provided a model of tolerance, goodwill and patience towards all mankind, and all religions. The massacres being conducted, in the name of Islam, are a clear sign of those who have never followed the religion in its true spirit. Those elements causing division in society, preaching hate, intolerance and false pride must be advertised as a danger to the health of our nation and the security of our future. The Prophet (pbuh) introduced modernity in a dark era, while in the present day, regressive forces would plunge us back into darkness in the name of religion.

Celebrating Miladun Nabi means to follow on the path of the Holy Prophet - to learn a lesson from a hadith or two  - even that will bloom our life.

Source: The Nation