Monday, January 21, 2013

Raining Now

Hippo in Itaewon: I screamed the same way as him ...seeing the rain!

This blog is not meant for weather reports but seems like I'll make it one. Life is but the repetition of things we do...when I had to write a diary in Korean, so I told my neighbor, an alumni from my school, that aside from lunch/dinner menu - my life is pretty much the same so it doesn't make any sense writing a daily diary. She thought that it's still important. Anyhow, it is raining pretty bad here - yes. Look outside the window. :-(

So it's about umbrellas today.  It's dark, wet, cold and snow is still all around. Weather does effect our mood... I have a class and haven't done my homework. I missed my last class since I was very sick. While studying languages, missing a class gives a feeling of being left behind and the gap is hard to fill. Regularity is important.