Sunday, March 3, 2013

1 in 5 Boys Born in Korea Now Will Never Marry

I doubt the news but Chosun Ilbo had this news below. By the way, it can't be proved   scientifically but anyhow, what can be done in this regard. ..

 One out of five Korean boys born now will never marry, and one in four who do marry will end up divorced, according to a projection by Statistics Korea.

The agency in a report on Wednesday forecast that 20.9 percent of boys and 15.1 percent of girls born in 2010 will live their entire lives single. The reason for the lower projected rate for women is that there are fewer of them, which makes it more likely for them to find a mate.

Statistics Korea extrapolated from data from the past and current trends.

The chances of staying single are rising. For boys, the figure rose from 15.1 percent to 20.9 percent in 2010, and for girls from 9.1 percent to 15.1 percent.

"More and more people are getting married later on in life and a growing number choose to stay single, boosting the chances of people remaining unmarried until death," said a Statistics Korea official.

The chances of men being widowed stand at a mere 17.3 percent but the chances for women at 61.7 percent, because women have a higher life expectancy and husbands are still usually older than their wives.

The chances of couples divorcing are also very high. The projected divorce rate for boys born in 2010 is 25.1 percent and for girls 24.7 percent, up three percentage points each compared to 2000. 

Among those who divorce, 58.1 percent of men and 56.1 percent of women are forecast to marry again. "As more and more people feel less need to marry, there has been an increase in the number of divorcees choosing to stay single," the Statistics Korea official said.

Only 3 percent of widowers and 0.8 percent of widows are expected to remarry. The chances are low since they are usually widowed in their twilight years.

Overall, some 14 percent of both boys and girls are forecast to marry more than twice in their lives.

Source: Chosun Ilbo