Thursday, June 27, 2013

Education Spending in Korea vs. OECD

Education in Korea still falls short of the highest OECD standards, a report says. According to the annual "Education at a Glance" published by the OECD on Tuesday, the average number of students per class in primary schools in Korea is 26.3 and in middle schools 34, 5.2 and 10.8 more than the OECD average.

Korea's spending on public education per student based on purchasing power parity was US$8,198, also short of the OECD average of $9,313.

The percentage of private spending on public education in comparison with GDP is 2.8 percent, more than three times greater than the OECD average of 0.9 percent. The average annual tuition at private universities is the fourth highest after the U.S., Slovenia and Australia.