Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Republic of Korea has extended the deadline for '2013 Video Contest about Korea.' We will accept applications until October 7, 2013. This contest is open to anyone of any age who is not of Korean descent. The prizes for the contest include a Korean brand car, a laptop PC, a tablet PC, a digital camera and an external hard drive.
Of the two titles, which are “My best Korean friend is…” and “My favorite Korean food is…,” applicants may select one to make a video of less than 3 minutes. The video may be made with any device, such as cell phone, digital camera, video camera, etc. Applicants may post their completed video on YouTube or any other legal website. Lastly, applicants need to fill out a simple application form and send the form along with the link to their video to You can download the application form from the website of the ROK Foreign Ministry.
☞ Download application form
Source: MOFAT