Friday, August 23, 2013

Sgt Robert Bales Trial vs. Bradley Manning

Robert Bales

BBC reported that Staff Sgt Robert Bales was making a case for why he should some day be released, during his sentencing hearing at a Washington state military base and for detail click here.

If you do NOT remember Bales then his crime was that he massacred 16 Afghan civilians in Kandahar in two diferent villages, many of his victims were women and children.

Since we know that life of people in Asia is cheap hence, for all the 15 people killed by Bales, the American government paid a total of $980,000 in condolence money to families over the incident. An Afghan man, Wazir, whose 11 family members were shot dead by Bales received $550,000 in condolence payments out of that$980,000.

Sentence of Bales: If he is sentenced to life with the possibility of parole, Sgt Bales could be eligible for release in 20 years.

My view: Possibility of the release of this jerk just scares the crap right out of me. BBC also reported that it's disputed whether he actually does feel remorse, playing a recording of a phone call in which an incarcerated Sgt Bales and his wife laugh as they discuss the case.

Bradley Manning

Manning was working as an intelligence analyst in Baghdad in 2010 when he gave WikiLeaks a trove of diplomatic cables and battlefield accounts that included a 2007 gunsight video of a U.S. Apache helicopter firing at suspected insurgents in Iraq, killing a dozen people including two Reuters news staff and injuring two children. (I could NOT see this entire footage, it's graphic).

But 35 years is far too long a sentence by any standard. …

However, if you just kill a couple of dozen people and get away with 20 years like in Bales case is beyond my comprehension. Culpable homicide is seemingly a lesser crime than leaking official documents that does include the US policy of killing innocent citizens in the name of collateral damage.

Manning is treated much more harshly than Robert Bales....unbelievable!!

Interview of Susan Bradley(Bradley's mom) is here.