Friday, September 20, 2013

Buzz Korea Event: Thank you Gift!

I participated in Buzz Korea's event called "Thank you Gift" in which one will get a very pretty tumbler as well as gift vouchers worth 25000 won to shop at the duty free. If you haven't got yours yet, then hurry up and get this wonderful memorabilia.

I had to go to Chungmuro and stopped by the Donggok Univ .subway station which is only a stop away.  Direction on Buzz Korea website was confusing so I had to ask a lady on how to get to the  Shilla duty free which has co-sponsered this gift with Buzz Korea.

You can get this gift only at Shilla Duty Free  located at Dongdae Station in Seoul and no where else in Korea. I saw a lot of questions asking about getting this gift in Busan or at the duty free of the Incheon airport. The reason why there is an address in the event means that you have to go to that particular place, quite obvious, isn't it!

So back to how to get to Shilla Duty Free at Dongdae station on line #3?
The info. says that go straight out of exit 4 and you will get to the Shilla Duty Free which is right but simply going straight won't help. From exit 4, one has to go straight until the traffic signals and then cross the road and turn right. Walk another 200 meters and turn left. Go straight for 50 meters more  and that's where you will find the Shilla Duty Free on your left at the entrance.

There was no mention that passports were a prerequisite to enter the competition and that printed voucher meant nothing ( however, do take that). I went there without my passport so obviously I was told at the counter to present the passport or its photocopy (alien card is not acceptable) - of the page carrying info. and picture of you.

In all this, I lost my wallet which I later found but had to report it. For this, I went inside the Shilla and ended up on their 23rd floor . Took photos of the panoramic view of the neighborhood with Namsan tunnels, Donggok University campus and a view of Dongdaemun.

Namson 2 Tunnel

Here are a few shots I took with shaking hands of Dongdaemun area and Tuegaero:

Duty Free from Shilla Hotel's 23F

and the Dongdaemun area below where you can see Dosan Tower and a fine example of Korean garden in front of the Shilla's main lobby.

Fountain in front of main lobby

Dosan Tower/Dongdaemun area


Towards Namsan National Theater

This picture above is of the road that will taken you to Namsan theater as well as Park Hotel (old name) which is called the Banyan Tree Hotel now. I have commuted on this very road with my mom and brother for many years between 2002 and 2007 on weekly basis.

Aside from the pretty gift from Shilla and Buzz Korea collaboration, this neighborhood and roads took me back in times when I was living with my family, which was an entirely different experience then what I'm going through now. Good old days or nostalgia - wow, time flies!