Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Khalida Brohi at Clinton Global Initiative

Khalida Brohi is a social entrepreneur from Pakistan. She received her BA in international relations, sociology, and economics from the University of Karachi in Pakistan. Currently, Khalida is the program manager of Sughar Women, a program of the Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI) that works to engage customs to end customary violence against women in tribal areas of Pakistan by providing socio-economic empowerment to women, and education to tribal leaders and men about the status of women. She is a speaker for Girls Fight Back!, an organization that helps women and girls to lead safe and peaceful lives. She also serves as a presenter for the Climate Reality Project, a non-profit organization of more than 3,000 volunteers personally trained by former US Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore to raise awareness about climate change.

Khalida Brohi and Humaria Bachal with Oprah at Asia 21 Summit

Read more about her project here.