Thursday, September 5, 2013

Oki's Movie at Venice Film Festival (옥희의영화)

Lee Seon-kyun (Pasta) and Jung Yumi (Que Sera Sera) are starring in a film together, called Oki’s Movie. It comes from director Hong Sang-soo, who won a prize at Cannes earlier this year for his film Ha Ha Ha.

This film is invited to the 67th Venice International Film Festival, into its competitive “Orizzonti” section. According to the festival, it is “the Venice International Film Festival’s most innovative section, a veritable documentary array of contemporary cinema in all its forms of expression.”

The movie stars Jung Yumi as the titular Oki (more traditionally spelled Ok-hee), an ordinary film student. Her classmate Jin-gu (Lee Seon-kyun) likes her and confesses his feelings for her in one of the stills below (he follows her all the way up the mountainside and gets drunk on makgulli), but her response is a vague “Thank you so liking me so much.”

Jin-gu decides to try again at Christmas dinner and waits outside her place, but she doesn’t show up till dawn. Finding that he has spent the night there, she scolds him for waiting all this while.

Oki’s Movie is scheduled to release in Korea on September 16.
