Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas to Everyone Especially Pakistani Christians!

I wish all those who celebrate Christmas - a very Merry Christmas - holidays full of fun and enrichment!

Season's Greetings to everybody!!!

By the way, December 25th is the birthday of Quaid e Azam - Mohammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan and it's also my mom's birthday - and then it's Christmas - well I"m super happy for all of you out there. My message is simple: Live and Let Live!!!

I remeber that In Pakistan, there is this continious persecution of our Christian brothers and sisters. I stand with them in solidarity and I hope and prey that they live comfortably in Pakistan - a state that was founded on the idea that - no matter what religion one believes in - they can practice it in peace and without fear however, over the past few years down the lane we have totally lost the entire concept of the creation of Pakistan!!

Today if Jinnah was alive - he would definitely have been hurt with the kind of religious intolerance we have in Pakistan. I can't speak for the religious minorities of Pakistan when as a Muslim woman myself - I was mentally and verbally tortured in my own homewtown - capital of Pakistan, Islamabad- for some stupid reasons , when I last visted a coupe of months ago!

Anyhow, Merry Christmas my dear Christian community of Pakistan, please do NOT give hope ad things will become normal some day1